CEMEF is a research centre of MINES ParisTech associated with the CNRS. By vocation, it places its skills and knowledge at the service of industry and training. Its research covers the broad field of materials, industrial transformation processes and their use properties.
PhD Students
research team
Creation of CEMEF
I enjoy being in a laboratory whose mission is partnership-based research. I need to know the purpose of my work. Industrial innovation is one of the motivations of my research.
Oriane Senninger, in charge of research CEMEF from september 2018

The CEMEF on video
- MINES ParisTech equips CEMEF with a 3D microscope
CEMEF MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis.
A new microscope for the analysis of microstructures in 3 dimensions and the monitoring of changes during heat treatments. How does it work? Why is it needed? For what purpose? Elements of answer with Nathalie Bozzolo, Professor.
A new microscope for the analysis of microstructures in 3 dimensions and the monitoring of changes during heat treatments. How does it work? Why is it needed? For what purpose? Elements of answer with Nathalie Bozzolo, Professor.