Service offer CRAM06
CRAM06: Materials Characterisation and Analysis Platform
Examples of facilities and services offered by CRAM06
- SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy
Observations of materials in SE or BSE mode with nanometric resolution (up to x 1,000,000). Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) is available to perform distribution maps, determine the composition of materials or view distribution profiles of chemical elements. Variable pressure mode. Measurement of crystal orientations by Electron BackScatter Diffraction EBSD.
- Sample preparation:
To perform observations and analyzes in light microscopy and SEM. Carried out by sampling (cutting and micro-cutting), mechanical, mechanical-chemical, electrolytic and ionic polishing.
- DSC - Differential scanning calorimetry
Determines the phase transitions: glass transition (Tg), fusion, crystallization. Measurement of transformation enthalpies (endothermic or exothermic). Scanning speed from 0.10 ° C / min to 600 ° C / min depending on the equipment used. Sample temperature from -130 ° C to 450 ° C.
- XPS - Photoelectron spectrometry
Analysis of the elementary surface composition over a thickness of 10 nanometers. Composition profile by etching. Detection of elements with a minimum concentration of 0.1 to 0.3 %at (except H and He).
- XRD - X-ray diffraction
Determination of crystalline phases, Debye Scherrer pictures. Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS). Texture analyzes in reflection, transmission (polymers and metals). Determination of residual stresses. Hot measurements (ambient up to 1100 ° C) under nitrogen flow.
- DTMA - Dynamic thermomechanical analysis
Characterization of the viscoelastic properties of polymers and composites in small deformation for large frequency and temperature ranges. Determination of modules (E ’; E’ ’), the loss factor (tan δ) and the different transition temperatures of the material.
- Confocal optical roughness meter
High resolution non-contact 3D micro-topography to measure a surface roughness, a curve, a dimension, the thickness of a transparent material. The resolution in Z is nanometric over a range of 110 µm and micrometric in XYZ for a range of 12mm.
- Optical microscopy
Observation up to x100, image analysis, in situ crystallization of polymers
- High-resolution 3D optical miscroscopy
Observation up to x2000, 2D and 3D image reconstruction (4cm x 4cm), 3D visualization, dimensional measurements, distribution statistics
- AFM - Atomic force microscopy (currently unavailable )
Measurement of the surface topography using a tip on a small surface of 90µm x 90µm with a nanometric resolution.
- Indentation
Hot micro-indentation. In-situ micro-indentation with visualization in a static or dynamic SEM.
- Rheology
Determination of the mechanical / flow properties (viscoelastic modules, viscosity, etc.) of a material (polymers, solutions, suspensions, etc.). Rotary or capillary rheometers.
- Training, Calculation, Advice (on request)
in characterization or shaping of materials.
For all special requests : or Frederic Georgi + 33