Computational Solid Mechanics – CSM
The CSM team aims to develop numerical methods, mechanical models and materials characterisation methods applied to solid mechanics problems.
In particular, the approach proposed here is to take an interest in the forming chain of parts or components to be able to predict and optimise in-service properties by integrating the thermomechanical history of the material. It is also often essential to integrate the organisation of biological tissues on a microscopic scale into our biomechanical studies, as this has a direct impact on their mechanical properties.
We are working on the development of advanced numerical methods in a demanding software environment. The algorithms and methods must fit into the context of complex software structures in commercial software. We are proposing new models adapted to the complexity of the load paths encountered in forming or to the variability of tissue properties in biomechanics. Materials characterisation also requires the development of unconventional test methods that are better suited than standard test benches to complex loading paths and semi-industrial or medical environments.
The areas developed by the team cover the following fields :
- Numerical modelling of forming processes
- Behaviour - damage - failure for complex loading paths
- Biomechanics
- Dialogue between tests - models - calculations, Inverse Analysis & Optimisation
- AI & Forming
Our expertise enables us to work on the development and modelling of various applications, including :
- Solid-state forming processes: forging, rolling, stamping, hot forming quenching, etc.
- Hybrid and incremental processes: flow forming, magnetic pulse forming, etc.
- Plastic deformation assemblies: from installation to mechanical strength (riveting, crimping, etc.)
- Support for the development of medical devices and surgical planning tools
- Induction heating
Permanent Members
Ongoing Thesis
- Jorge Luis ARDILA VILLABONA : Conception d’un essai et modélisation thermomécanique pour l’étude du procédé HFQ de l’alliage AA2219. Promotion 2023
- Léa GUERANDELLE : Conception de matériaux dentaires à gradients de propriétés par fabrication additive. Promotion 2023
- Anes MARIR : Modélisation thermique et tribologique du laminage à pas de pèlerin de tubes. Promotion 2023
- Hiba BOURAS : Hydrogels et aérogels nanocomposites biosourcés pour des applications biomédicales. Promotion 2022 + Equipe BIO
- Joséphine CHATELLIER : Caractérisation et Modélisation de l’emboutissage à froid multi-passes de tôles épaisses : application aux coques de sous-marins. Promotion 2022
- Valentin DUVIVIER : Analyse et modélisation de la rupture ductile de coques de sous-marins sous chargements complexes. Promotion 2022
- Maya WEHBE : Modélisation et caractérisation des effets de nano-compliance pour la croissance épitaxiale localisée de GaN sur substrats Si. Promotion 2021
- Vincent MESLIER : Vers une amélioration de la fiabilité des modules Photovoltaiques par des approches couplées expérimentale et numérique. Promotion 2021 + Equipe MPI
- Akla Essoh Claude KOROLAKINA : Maturation de la technologie de fluotournage des réservoirs d’hydrogène cryogéniques pour les premiers avions commerciaux à zéro émission. Promotion 2021
- Nagasai KAUTA : Modélisation du procédé de floutournage de tôles épaisses pour l’industrie aérospatiale. Promotion 2019