Featured scientists
They have joined us and are participating in CEMEF's research today.
We want to feature some scientists who have recently joined CEMEF. It must be said that our research teams have been fortunate to welcome new researchers. We therefore took the opportunity to ask them a few questions. They share their research experience and tell us about their motivations. They talk about how they see their job and what they think is important to them to be a researcher today.
Sytze, Oriane and Aurélien are our three featured scientists. They joined CEMEF in 2018 as Research Fellows. We interviewed them after their arrival. Here are their testimonials.
Sytze Buwalda, featured scientist in biomedical materials
Sytze joined the "BIO" team led by Tatiana Budtova at the end of 2018. He was just before conducting his research through a Marie Curie Research grant at the Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron. His scientific skills are complementary to those of the team. His aim is to develop a new line of research by associating biopolymers and medical applications.
"To tell the truth, I appreciate the industry-oriented scientific approach. In fact, this is the type of research that suits me."
Read moreOriane Senninger, featured scientist in computational solidification
Oriane is a researcher in the team "2MS" led by Charles-André Gandin. She will develop the modelling activities of phase transformations in solidification processes using the CAFE method.
Globally, it is important for me to participate in a collaborative work in a group that has a strong expertise.""Globally, it is important for me to participate in a collaborative work in a group that has a strong expertise."
Read moreAurélien Larcher, featured scientist in numerical methods
Aurélien, for his part, joined the team "CFL" led by Elie Hachem. He arrived in December 2018. Before coming, he had a position of lecturer at the NTNU. At CEMEF, he is in charge of the development of numerical models based on EF methods for multiphase flows and fluid-structure interaction, for which the simulation of interface dynamics is crucial.
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