CEMEF, Research Lab
A research lab. at the service of Training and Industry

CEMEF is a research lab. of MINES ParisTech I PSL University associated with CNRS, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS, UMR7635).
Overall, our missions are research and training in collaboration with industry.
Our research focuses specifically on materials and their transformation processes in the broadest sense. It extends additionally to other fields such as fluid mechanics, biomechanics or HPC for instance. On the other hand, our training programmes offer post-graduate courses related to our scientific fields of expertise. Furthermore, we are attentive to the scientific needs of industry and we set up research projects with industrial companies.
CEMEF studies the science of materials and forming processes. This twofold research theme is in fact at the origin of the creation of our research lab. Thus, from the outset, CEMEF has been interested in the analysis of manufacturing processes, i.e. it studies the entire chain consisting of the material / the process / the finished product .
We study and model the following phenomena:
- the flow of the material in relation to the forming tools (cold or hot) - in liquid or solid state
- the structural changes during flow
- product/tool interactions and their consequences on process control and product quality.
Our research covers a wide spectrum:
- major types of materials , including new materials such as biosourced polymers, superalloys...
- large range of manufacturing processes, including the most recent: additive manufacturing, electromagnetic forming....
- all scales in a multiphysical context.
Opening to new REsearch fields
Since its creation in 1974, the core research of our lab. has never ceased to evolve. Firstly, due to the ever-increasing number of forming processes. Secondly, because industrial issues are becoming more complex. Finally, and at the same time, because our developments in numerical methods and simulations enable increasingly fine-tuned optimization, opening up new areas of research. For example, our work is also focused on fluid mechanics and biomechanics, for example, developing new expertise at CEMEF.
5 research teams,
3 support teams
> see the Research Teams
35 researchers
21 support staff
> People
2 ANR industrial ongoing chairs
> major projects and chairs
65 peer-reviewed publications / year
> Latest publications
Research and training activities are inseparable. Indeed education is one of our missions. At CEMEF, you will find two types of training courses: doctoral and specialised master's degrees.
The PhD is a training that leads to a 3-year research project. Two doctoral specialties are proposed:
- Digital Mechanics and Materials
- Numerical Mathematics, Computational Intensive Computing and Data Processing
Post-graduate programmes (MS)
The MS are one-year additional training courses. At CEMEF, you can choose between two orientations:
- MS MAPMOD : Digital Materials & Advanced Processes Modelling
- MS HPC-AI : High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
Post-Doctoral fellowship and Internship
We also welcome postdoctoral fellows as well as trainees every year.
In addition to the training courses delivered on our premises in Sophia Antipolis, our researchers are involved in numerous training courses, both in engineering schools and at universities. Among them, mention MINES ParisTech, and internationally, the Shangai Jiao Tong University SJTU ParisTech.
> Direct links to our educational programs
Partnership research for and with industry is a constitutive element of the MINES ParisTech research centres. Indeed, our budget is ensured by a minimum of 40% of direct research contracts carried out with the industrial world each year. Our research centre supports our industrial partners and we co-create knowledge and know-how with them.
Our studies are very often related to economic sectors directly linked to manufacturing processes: aeronautics, space, energy, automotive, packaging...
And among these strong interactions with industry, we can mention the industrial chairs created in recent years. Since 2008, six industrial chairs have been created at CEMEF.
Our work leads to the development of industrial process simulation software. They are marketed by software publishers, Transvalor and SCC.
As of today, our main softwares are the following:
- Forge®, the reference in metal shaping simulation
- Thercast®, metal casting process simulation
- Rem3D®, simulation of polymer injection and foam molding
- DIGIMU®, simulation of microstructural evolution
- Ludovic® and Ximex®, simulation of twin-screw extrusion
- Qobeo®, heating and quenching simulation
In parallel with our research work carried out as part of thesis projects, our research centre has a service and expertise cell, called "CRAM 06", which makes some of CEMEF's equipment available for specific studies.
"CEMEF has a long history of excellence in research in connection with industry. It is a source of innovation for many industrial sectors.
It is a key player in academic research and trains future industry executives in and through research.
Its values and missions are demanding. We carry them out with skill, determination, dynamism and, above all, with the immense pleasure of making our contribution to the world."
Elie Hachem, Director of CEMEF